Dvosoban stan, u Beogradu na vodi, u zgradi BW King's Park Residence, koja je u procesu izgradnje. Stan se nalazi na 5. spratu objekta, sastoji se od: ulaznog hodnika, prostrane dnevne sobe koja izlazi na terasu, kuhinje sa trpezarijom, spavaće sobe, kupatila i vešernice.BW King's Park Residences je zgrada od 15 spratova, sa 233 stambene jedinice, projektovane tako da zadovolje sve kriterijume ekskluziviteta i udobnosti, poseduje elegantan lobi sa recepcijom i obezbeđenjem. Zgrada je pozicionirana uz Savski park, između Bulevara Vudroa Vilsona i nove saobraćajnice paralelne sa Savskom ulicom. Pored toga što je novim saobraćajnicama povezana sa ključnim delovima grada, BW King's Park je smeštena u izuzetno zeleno okruženje. Moderan izgled zgrade savršeno se uklapa u zeleno okruženje i stavlja fokus na život okružen prirodom. Očekivani datum završetka objekta je maj 2025. Zgrada se nalazi pored prve dvojezične državne škole i vrtića čija se gradnja završava na leto 2025.Garažno mesto je na prvom nivou (-1) po ceni od 25.000 EUR
Agencijska provizija iznosi 2% od dogovorene kupoprodajne cene.
Two-room apartment, in Belgrade on the water, in the BW King's Park Residence building, which is under construction. The apartment is located on the 5th floor of the building, it consists of: an entrance hall, a spacious living room with access to the terrace, a kitchen with a dining room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a laundry room.BW King's Park Residences is a 15-story building with 233 residential units, designed to meet all criteria of exclusivity and comfort, has an elegant lobby with reception and security. The building is positioned next to Sava Park, between Woodrow Wilson Boulevard and the new road parallel to Sava Street. In addition to being connected to key parts of the city by new roads, BW King's Park is located in an exceptionally green environment. The modern appearance of the building fits perfectly into the green environment and puts the focus on life surrounded by nature. The expected completion date of the facility is May 2025. The building is located next to the first bilingual state school and kindergarten, the construction of which will be completed in the summer of 2025.The garage space is on the first level (-1) at a price of EUR 25,000
The agency commission is 2% of the agreed purchase price.
BW, 2.0, King´s Park Residence
Srbija, Beograd grad
Objavljen pre 3 ned
ID #65352
270,000.00 €
Tip oglasa: Prodaja
BW, 2.0, King´s Park Residence
Srbija, Beograd grad,
Objavljen pre 3 ned